Telephone advice
+49 (0)2296 9812–390
Mon-Thurs 8.15 am to 5.00 pm
Fri 8.00 am to 3.00 pm
Telephone advice
+49 (0)2296 9812–390
Mon-Thurs 8.15 am to 5.00 pm
Fri 8.00 am to 3.00 pm
MEYER-HOSEN Aktiengesellschaft
Hauptstraße 30
51580 Reichshof-Denklingen
Phone: 0049 (0)2296 9812-390
Fax: 0049 (0)2296 9812-65
Michael Meyer
(Responsible for editing as per Section 55 Para. 2 AMG)
Court of Registration: District Court of Siegburg
Registration number: HRB 7805
VAT Identification Number: DE 180341761
(as per Section 27a VAT Act)
Appropriate supervisory authority: District Court of Siegburg
Chairman: Michael Meyer, Sven Wandres
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Dr Alexander von Preen
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Alternative dispute resolution as per Article 14 Para. 1 ODR-VO and Section 36 VSBG: The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution, which you can find under . We are not obligated nor prepared to participate in a dispute resolution process prior to a consumer conciliation board.
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10119 Berlin
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